manual of photographic interpretation. contents: the development of photo interpretation, robert s. quackenbush, jr., arthur c. lundahl, edward monsour. Photographic interpretation is “the act of examining photographic images for the purpose of identifying objects and judging their significance” (Colwell, ). This mainly refers to its usage in military aerial reconnaissance using photographs taken from reconnaissance aircraft and . This paper has attempted to summarize, and to place in proper focus, the major developments of significance that recently have occurred in photographic interpretation and related fields, ’with special reference to the inventory and management of earth resources. To the extent that the announced objective has been realized, the following conclusions seem warranted. (i) Just as .
Colwell, Robert N., Determining the Prevalence of Certain Cereal Crop Diseases by Means of Aerial Photography,Hilgardia, 26 (5),– Google Scholar Colwell, Robert N. and Carneggie, David M., Applications of Remote Sensing to Arid Land Problems, Chapter 8 () in “Food, Fiber and the Arid Lands”, University of Arizona. contact sensor systems (Colwell, ) Colwell, R.N., History and place of photographic interpretation, Manual of Photographic interpretation, W.R. Philipson (Ed.) 2 nd Ed., Bethesda: American Society for Photogrammetry Remote Sensing, A remote sensing instrument collects information about an object or phenomenon within. Manual of Photographic Interpretation Hardcover – January 1, Manual of Photographic Interpretation. Hardcover – January 1, by editor Colwell, Robert N. (Author) See all formats and editions. Hide other formats and editions. Price.
R.N. Colwell (Ed.), Manual of photographic interpretation, American Society of Photogrammetry, Falls Church, Va (), pp. Manual of Photographic Interpretation. R. N. Colwell. Photogrammetry and Photo-interpretation (with a Section on Applications to Forestry). S. H. Spurr. It is shown that aerial photograph interpretation reveals qualitative information on surface (Colwell ). Manual of Photographic. Interpretation.