Meat cut nomenclature and description. 1. Veal: is meat derived from dressed carcasses of bovine animals having the maturity characteristics set out in Schedule IX of the Beef, Bison and Veal Carcass Grade Requirements – PDF ( kb) and a warm carcass weight of kg or less with the hide removed. 2. Introduction. The Safe Food for Canadians Act and Regulations as well as the Food and Drugs Act and Regulations, which are administered by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency at all levels of trade, require that meat cuts, organs, and other carcass parts be identified on labels with proper common names. The primary objective of this Uniform Meat Cut Nomenclature System . · According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's Meat Cuts Manual, it's *pointe de poitrine*. The full brisket is the *poitrine complète*. See
Beef - The common names for meat cuts which appear in this Manual were developed jointly with industry, learning institutions, and other government agencies and are the common names which must be used in labelling all beef, veal, pork, lamb, and poultry meat cuts. Beef - Meat Cuts Manual - Food - Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Beef - The common names for meat cuts which appear in this Manual were developed jointly with industry, learning institutions, and other government agencies and are the common names which must be used in labelling all beef, veal, pork, lamb, and poultry meat cuts. Trade News. Meat Cut Nomenclature. Canada and the United States (U.S.) have been working together to harmonize the terminology used when identifying wholesale cuts of meat. As announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on November 4, , the U.S. updated its Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications manual as the standard meat nomenclature. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is currently finalizing the Wholesale Meat Specifications Document (WMSD) to reflect this harmonization.
The primary objective of this Uniform Meat Cut Nomenclature System (UMCNS) is not to unduly restrict acceptable meat cutting practices but rather, to ensure. Storage instructions. For federal requirements contact the CFIA. If the products were processed and packaged at a provincially licensed abattoir, the meat and. Food safety is critical in this complex and ever changing field. Canadian Meat Cuts Manual · Meat Processing USA CFIA Dairy Products.